Sunday, January 4, 2009


Harrow, all! This is Katie, girl one of two (Margaux being girl two, and TK being the solitary dude). I leave for Edinburgh, Scotland in two days, although the empty suitcases, piles upon piles of clothes on my floor, and web-browsing history of YouTube videos of old-school Glenn Danzig interviews would seem to indicate otherwise. In other words, my infamous procrastinatory (word?) habits are at it again. I have to get everything organized and squared away by Wednesday afternoon, which means, much to the chagrin of my mother, that Wednesday morning is packing time!

Anyhoo, I'm pretty jazzed about the next couple of months. I guess I could write about how it's going to change my life, how lucky I am, how much I'm going to experience, and how this trip is going to "expand my horizons"- but I'm not writing a bullcrap application essay and that stuff is all boring, ain't it? I'm not so worried about the introspective aspect of studying abroad- obviously it's going to be pretty epic- I'm more worried about living as a vegetarian in a country where the national cuisine is Lambchop's innards, and getting by with my lousy American dollar without having to resort to eating out of municipal garbage cans. Ah, and then there's the sweet, sweet world of academia and the expectations therein. However, the classes I'm taking seem so baller (History major representin'!) and I'm so invested in what I'm learning that I don't think schoolwork will be a chore.

Regardless, by 7:45pm on Wednesday (blissfully ignoring the possibility of delays and cancellations) I'll be on a plane to Scotland, away from family, friends, Fordham and New York City. All I have to do is pack. *SIGH*

Yours Truly,


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