"No way to happiness, happiness is the way."
Our first lecture on the culture and history of the Mekong Delta taught us this proverb, as well as a slough of other interesting facts about Vietnamese beliefs, culture and identity.(the lesson also included a rousing rendition of Oh My Darling by our professor) Almost as exiting as the lecture were the 20 or 30 students who showed up to watch us learn, and talk to us afterward. They were all extremely enthusiastic, and there was much name writing and phone number exchanging. They insisted that we join them after our language class for some sugar cane juice and Che Boui (which is apparently a pudding made from some kind of bean, dried grapefruit husk, and coconut innards boiled together). Both were delicious, and the company was certainly lively.
I had fried chicken for lunch today, it was very fancy and very expensive ( about $2.50), but it was worth it. We had chicken again for dinner at a karaoke club place that was blaring euro-pop and backstreet boys for the entire meal.
I towed my roomate to class this morning with a bedsheet tied to our respective bikes, and only almost crashed and died once. His bike has now been fixed, and all 6 of our bikes are back in working order, though I still need a lock. My quest for an electric razor is ongoing, and may never be completed, so don't be surprised when I come back looking like Jonathan Frakes on season two of Star Trek: The Next Generation.

such a celeb. :)